Imagem: Lucas Gabriel Soares
Imagem: Lucas Gabriel Soares
Imagem: Lucas Bêda
Imagem: Lucas Bêda
De-bureaucracy and democratization of the access to Art, Culture and Citizenship:
through an intense programming that mixes different artistic, cultural, educational,
methodologic and academic proposals. Open to all sort of audience with popular-price
tickets or free-entrance.
More than a Theatre, the Teatro de Contêiner Mungunzá it is a cultural converging
space. It promotes the encounter, the thought and also relevant discussions about the
different movements in the contemporary society. Composed by artists-educators, Cia
Mungunzá de Teatro lies its interests on the constitutive, pedagogics and
methodological processes. Always researching Theatre as a path to get to an end, and
not something that finishes in itself. The company also establishes partnerships with
schools, public and private universities, high school or technical school, cultural
institutions. Such as: Centro de Pesquisa e Formação do SESC, Escola da Cidade, E.E.
Carlos Gomes, Diversitas, Escola Livre de Santo André, Escola Viva, ETEC das Artes,
Fábrica de Cultura, Itaú Cultural, Museu de Arte Sacra, Museu da Resistência,
Universidade de São Paulo, Universidade São Judas, among others.
Partnerships with collectives and students of Architecture, Brazilians and foreigners,
from institutions such as FAU, Escola da Cidade, Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und
Gesellschaft, among others.
More than a Theatre, the Teatro de Contêiner Mungnzá it is a convergence space of
culture, with many and different languages. It promotes the encounter, the thought
and also promotes relevant discussions about the present. Therefore, our partnerships
are made with public and private schools.
1 st ) Addicts arts exhibition
Exhibition of artistic work from two artists that are also drugs addicts in harm
reduction: Yóri and Dentinho, neighbors, that paint, draw, write and have artistic
talent and temper.
The exhibition was opened simultaneously with the Silver Epidemic season. In which,
not only they would sell their work but also talked to people and explained the
concept behind their work. Their artistic production was relational objects. They were
being seen through their art.
2 nd ) Partnership with groups that work self-care with the vulnerable population on
streets and also work culture, sports and entertainment to the children from the
3 rd ) Presentations made exclusive to the homeless people or people in vulnerability. In
a partnership with a City Council’s project named “Consultório da Rua” (agents that
articulates and contributes to the Human Rights Defense through social-educational
programs), once a month, we developed an artistic showing in the afternoon to drugs
addicts, homeless people and professionals that work with health and care.
1 st ) Accessibility: toilets, handrail, access ramps and theatre accessibility.
2 nd ) Sustainability
- Architecture project: The project (from containers to the barrel playground) was
thought to reduce the impact on the environment. It was a construction without waste
that reuses objects and natural resources.
- Natural Illumination: The space counts on glass walls, which means that its lights is
the sunlight, therefore, eco-friendly.
- Hydroponic garden: A vegetable garden sustained with reused water (capitation of
1600 liters of water), so that neighbors can be stimulated to take care of the garden
and take leaves home. We also have workshops that teach how to take care of this
sort of garden.
- Vegan and Vegetarian Kitchen: With this option of sensible food consumption, we
contribute to reduce the impact of climate changes, deforestation and pollution.